Editorial team

Staff directory

Anila Bansal

Chief News Editor

I am the captain of this ship. From a serene sunset in Aravali to a loud noisy road in mega markets, I've seen it all. If someone asks me about Haryana I say "it's more than a city". I have a vision for my city "my Haryana" and I want people to cherish what Haryana got. From a sprouting talent to a voice unheard I believe in giving opportunities and that I believe makes a leader of par excellence.

Avinash Singh

News Editor & Content Creator

A writer by passion | Journalist by profession Loves to explore new things and travel. Book Lover Passionate about my work, in love with my family and dedicated to spreading light.

Yogesh Kushwaha


The ways i think is different, which can change your vision to explore the world, stay tuned to get more amazing updates